Day 6 – 21st April

I slept reasonably well in my tent last night but there was some noise at around 2 am when two motorcycles were blowing their horns and revving their engines. I was told this morning by another camper that the motorcycles may have been delivering drugs to the bothy revellers! It certainly all happens around here.

My camping neighbour was a nice chap called Robin who came over to share some potential wild camping spots with me. Thanks Robin. It’s very helpful to have even a little bit of inside knowledge when it comes to possible camping spots.

made some ovine friends

I walked about 13 miles today in the drizzle and am now stopped a couple of miles short of St Johns Town of Dalry where I hope to restock in the morning.

There has been more beautiful scenery, lots of wild life and I even found another Kist with its coins.

I’m ‘lichen’ this sign

I’m currently enjoying lying in my tent listening to the bird song – and the rain has stopped.

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