Day 9 – 24th April

There was no lie in for me today but I had rather a slow start. I got up nice and early but by the time I’d swept the bothy, had breakfast, had a wash and packed my bag it was nearly 8 o’clock before was I on the trail.

loving these hills

The inclines were more gentle along this stretch so the miles flew by but at one point my mind was elsewhere and I missed my turn. See the map: the little red arrow is where I was and the red track is where I should have been – clearly a good half mile off course.

oops – just a tad off course

I was taught that all navigators make mistakes but good navigators promptly notice that they made one and correct for it. That cost me half an hour and added a mile to my walked distance.

a cheerful waymarker

But by 2pm I was sitting in a cafe in Sanquhar scoffing a well-deserved plate of fish and chips. I followed this with a couple of pints of lime and soda in the local pub, The Crown.

weather report post

All of this morning’s walk was directed by colourful way mark posts which brought a smile to my face.

poem I found in a kist box

As I was leaving Sanquhar I met another SUW through walker (we are a rare breed – I have only met one other in nine days). She kindly recommended the pitch where I am now. 

perfect pitch

Over 18 miles today.

2 responses to “Day 9 – 24th April”

  1. Brilliant – the poem is by Lord Byron.

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    1. Thanks Neil

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